I've been trying to design my website... which is no small task without Dreamweaver and zero experience doing such things. I do think it's a valuable skill AND I think it will look awesome when I'm done. Needless to say; I don't have time to sketch!
But, I don't want to leave you in the dark. So here's a preview panel from my piece, HALF CALF, in the upcoming Awesome 2: Awesomer anthology put out by two handsome gentlemen named Charlito and Mr. Phil of the Indie Spinner Rack. You can pre-order it from TOP SHELF, who are publishing it. Not only are you getting a butt-load of amazing comics, but half the proceeds from every book sold will fund a student scholarship to the Center for Cartoon Studies.
The first one was great and from the bits and pieces I've seen, this one will be twice as good... if not mo' better!
Here's a complete list of all the amazing people that are in the book;
Jon Adams (the Eisner nominated Truth Serum)
Kate Allen (Milk-Teeth, Jelly Roll)
Liz Baillie (My Brain Hurts, Sing Along Forever)
John Bergin (From Inside, Ashes, Golgothika)
Alex Cahill (Poison the Cure)
Sabin Calvert (Invisible Empire)
J. Chris Campbell (Zig Zag, Attic Bugs)
Fred Chao (Johnny Hiro)
Kevin Colden (Fishtown, Zuda's I Rule the Night)
Mike Dawson (Freddie & Me, Ace Face: The Mod with the Metal Arms)
Chris Duffy (Nickelodeon Magazine editor)
Ryan Dunlavey (Comic Book Comics, Action Philosophers!)
Ulises Farinas (ACT-I-VATE's MOTRO, Popgun)
Hilary Florido (The Third Horsemen, I Love Love)
Sean Ford (Only Skin)
Chuck Forsman (Snake Oil, Awesome V1 scholarship winner)
Colleen Frakes (Xeric winning Tragic Relief)
Pete Friedrich (Roadstrips: A Graphic Journey Across America)
Elizabeth Genco (Blue, Comic Book Tattoo, Negative Burn)
Sarah Glidden (How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less)
Robert Goodin (The Man Who Loved Breasts, Mome)
John Green (Jax Epoch & the Quicken Forbidden, Teen Boat, Space Office)
Steve Hamaker (Fish N Chips, Flight, Bone color artist)
Simon Häussle (Tonto Comics)
Rantz Hoseley (Comic Book Tattoo, Vix)
Mr. Phil Jackson (some podcast guy, Awesome V1)
Andy Jewett (Pantheon, Short Stack)
Charlie LaGreca (another podcast guy, The Hair Pair, Awesome V1)
Miss Lasko-Gross (Escape from "Special", A Mess of Everything)
Georges LaVigne (Awesome V1)
Jeff Lemire (The Essex County Trilogy, Vertigo's The Nobody)
Pat Lewis (The Claws Come Out, One Horse Town)
Brian Maruca (Street Angel, Afrodisiac)
Rich Miller (Meathaus, Awesome V1)
Angel Mosquito (SPX Anthology 2004 & 2005)
Marcos Perez (Carl is the Awesome, Tear-Stained Makeup)
Jesse Post (Disney Adventures editor, Awesome V1)
MK Reed (Cross Country, Papercutter)
Federico Reggiani (SPX Anthology 2004 & 2005)
Michele Riganese (singer/songwriter, Awesome V1)
Alex Robinson (Too Cool to Be Forgotten, Tricked, Box Office Poison)
Dave Roman (Agnes Quill, Flight, Teen Boat)
Jim Rugg (Street Angel, Afrodisiac, The Plain Janes)
Salgood Sam (Therefore Repent!, The Rise and Fall of it All)
Joey Alison Sayers (Thingpart, I'm Gonna Rip Yer Face Off)
Chris Schweizer (Crogan's Vengeance, Crogan's March)
Mariko Tamaki (Skim, Emiko Superstar)
Zach Taylor (The Miner and the Cave That Ate Time)
Raina Telgemeier (The Baby-sitters Club, Smile, Flight)
Fred Van Lente (Comic Book Comics, Action Philosophers!, Marvel Zombies, X-Men Noir)
Marion Vitus (No In-Between, Squid 'n' Whale: Forbidden Friends)
Rob Walton (Ragmop)
Joey Weiser (The Ride Home, Tales of Unusual Circumstance)
Julia Wertz (The Fart Party, I Saw You...)
Loris Z. (Persona - Once More With Feeling)
It's a smörgåsbord of raw talent. Plus, a mini-comic will be included from CCS students! It comes out at the end of May, just in time for MOCCA.
Also in the news, it's not too late to hop on board PILE DRIVER: Tales from the Top Rope... my wrestling comics anthology. If you'd like to contribute, just email me at presspermanent@yahoo.com and I'll send you all the details. I am SO PUMPED about this anthology, words would only bring tears to my eyes in their pathetic failure to describe the rapture I feel when I think about how great this will be.
In other news, go see Big Art Group's show S.O.S. It is playing at The Kitchen through tomorrow and March 26-28th. Then they're travelling to SF's Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. It's performance art, theater, live-action film and balloon massacre all in one. I definitely recommend it if you're even slightly interested in any of the above.
I guess that's all for now. Wish me luck in html-ville!
I would offer you a copy of my 2004 Dreamweaver but it's already a copy of a copy! See if you can't find someone with a legit, paid-for copy, and install it onto your computer! Before I got Dreamweaver I tried to make my site from just HTML and it was HELLACIOUS.
Yeah, that's what everybody uses. I tried SeaMonkey... but I think it's a little past my limited knowledge.
I'm going to try Nvu, which is also free and looks like it's super-easy to work. I think the actual graphics I've made look really cool and if I can get it all to work, I think it will look awesome.
< b > good luck dude! < / b >
i'm excited to see the comic! let me know if you need any help doing html/css/php shit. i'm having to do a lot of it at work and i'm starting to get (gasp!) semi-fluent
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