Monday 26 April 2010

The Idea of Satan

Ever wonder where Friday the 13th came from?
Or why hell is full of fire?
Want to learn more about witches? Or the inquisition?

I thought this was really interesting. Hope you do too!

Thursday 22 April 2010

Another Page

I love this page a lot, and it evokes a lot for me. I really wish it had been in the book, but again, space didn't allow.

This will definitely be in another edition of the book if the fates allow...

Sunday 18 April 2010

Through Being Cool

Well, I have big plans in the work for my book Gorgeous Clothed Flies, and it's got big plans for me.

As a thanks to everybody helping me with it, giving me feedback, criticism and advice and putting it in a museum... I wanted to share some stuff with you.

So here is the first in a few of miscellaneous pages that didn't make it into the book. Either for space, or editing or my math being off and repeating a page. Some are fully formed, some are backdrops and some are just random!

Enjoy and thanks!

Friday 16 April 2010

The Vajazzle: When Waxing Isn't Enough

I am constantly surprised by humanity. Vajazzle - yes it IS what you think it is, is a new spa "treatment." If you want your va-jay-jay bedazzled to dazzle your man, here's the skinny from "spa week" to soothe your conscience:

I think the key to a good vajazzle is the element of surprise.

I’d heard about vajazzling before and the girl I’m seeing told me she was excited to get the treatment. When she said that she wanted a disco ball down there, I imagined Michael Jackson’s diamond-studded white glove peeking out from behind the panties. I have to say I was kind of disappointed when she came back with a little pink heart. It was cool, but I expected something different, without thinking of the ramifications of the crystals (yeah, they’re actual crystals).

Now what’s the first thing you do if your woman gets vajazzled? If I have to tell you the answer to this riddle… hold on… I think that was your girlfriend calling. So this part, nothing really changes if you’re used to her being waxed. If you aren’t, that’s something that goes hand-in-hand with the whole vajazzling experience, so enjoy it.

She said the woman who vajazzled her indicated you’re not supposed to have sex right after you’re vajazzled. I’d thought there may be laceration involved (did I mention the crystals?), but there was no problem with it for us; unless you count vajazzles everywhere as a problem.

They were on the sheets, the heart was no longer in tact, they were in different places on her body and other places in the bed, on clothes… I had vajazzles stuck to my shoulder the next day… we even found one on a dish that had gone through the dishwasher. They get all over. I wanted her to remove them earlier in the week, but she insisted they stay on ’til they fell off. The novelty had run out far before the heart was indiscernible.

Obviously, if you’re a stripper, you need to get these. Every girl doesn’t have them, and if you’re the one who is done up, you think that won’t make you an extra $50 a week? I guarantee you it would. It’s like Lady Gaga - she’s never wearing the same thing so she’s always interesting to look at. Get a different design each week and your customers will come in just to see that. If you’re a serious entertainer, I feel this is a must. Clear heels are so passé anyway.

But I have to tell you, overall, I wasn’t off-the-wall thrilled with the vajazzles. If I didn’t know that it was coming, I would have been completely amazed and in awe. I think you could probably use this to spice it up in the bedroom a bit, but don’t tell him you’re going to do it, just do it. The element of surprise is essential.

Jesus Points the Bone at You?

This is why you should study anatomy... you don't want your distended stomach to look like a big chub... or do you?

This is in some church in Oklahoma. And it is hilarious.

Monday 5 April 2010

Thanks for checking it out!

Bookmark Aqui: